
General tokenomics and how the contract works.

Good to know: The Vineyard is a fork of BakedBeans (which is also a fork of BNBMiner)

About The Vineyard:

We are an innovative take on most token miners. The contract acts as a MATIC reward pool, returning up to 8% of your MATIC deposited on a daily 24-hour period.

With most pool's there's a "developer" fee which taxes your deposits/withdrawals, usually this is sent to the owner-

Thats where we are different compared to most reward pools- our deposit/withdrawal tax goes into an insurance fund for the contract. This is to ensure that if the project ever slows down, we can reward the last investors in the game, and to replenish the contract funds if needed.

The Vineyard is a locked staking rewards pool with a variable interest rate. The funds deposited are transferred into Winemakers and can not be un-staked, you can only withdraw your earnings.

How is The Vineyard different?

How can we avoid what happened to other projects? Many other project's contract gave a fixed return, regardless of user activity, contract balance, etc. there was no variables in place that would allow the contract to adjust the returns if needed!

Our contract allows the reward rate to automatically drop if the contract detects that users are withdrawing too often relative to the contract's growth- It is based on the rehiring(fermenting) & harvesting habits of the community.

Our Proven Strategy:

To ensure the max rewards(8%), we recommend the strategy of Fermenting 6 Days/week, Harvesting 1 Day/week this reflects your own personal reward rate as well. Your personal habits hold much more weight regarding your overall rewards.

This means if you do not follow the strategy, your rewards will be impacted/punished and it will take much longer to get to your original earnings.

Full Tokenomics:

Transaction Information & Taxes:

•Rewards can be re-invested & withdrawn daily.

•Max 300 Matic per transaction

•To ensure the max rewards (8%) We recommend the following strategy (Fermenting(Compounding) 6 Days/Week and Harvest(Withdraw) 1 Day/Week)

•The interest rate is a variable interest rate, this means it is subject to change depending on the health of the contract (harvesting & fermenting habits, referral rewards, and deposit frequency)

•No tax on fermenting (compounding)

•A user will be registered as inactive and rewards still stop if they do not ferment for over 12 days

•Every deposit/withdrawal is has a base tax of 8% to ensure contract longevity, along with an insurance fee (more on this below)

•The tax is made up of two fees. The 8% base tax, and the 8% insurance fee listed below, for a total of 16% on every buy/sell, this does not apply to compounding.

•Your pending rewards will be auto-fermented if you deposit new funds into the contract.

Insurance & Marketing Treasury:

•Of the 16% tax- 8% is dedicated to the Insurance treasury, this is used for contract replenishment & buybacks. The other 8% is dedicated to the marketing fund for the time being. Our team fee is currently 0% but this will change depending on marketing performance and will eventually be 3%.

•80% of the insurance treasury is dedicated to rewarding users who deposited most recently if the project ever slows down drastically.

•20% is allocated for contract replenishments when the APR is low (if most users are withdrawing too often)

All of these methods are in place to best ensure the reward rate for everyone.

Referral System:

•Referral rewards are sent to your rewards section of the app!

•For every user that deposits with your referral link, you earn 12% of their initial deposit.

Contract Address:



Last updated